Volume 7, Issue 2 (2009) 12/15/2009
Research Articles
Robust Stability Bounds for Lur'e System with Parametric Uncertainty
Chyun-Chau Fuh and Pi-Cheng Tung
Fundamental Properties of Linear Ship Steering Dynamic Models
Ching-Yaw Tzeng and Ju-Fen Chen
Degradation of the Bond Strength Between Rebar and Concrete due to the Impressed Cathodic Current
Jiang-Jhy Chang, Weichung Yeih, and Ran Huang
A Representation of GM-Variation in Waves by the Volterra System
Jianbo Hua, Wei-Hui Wang, and Jiang-Ren Chang
Fleet Dynamic Analysis of the Taiwan Offshore Trawl Fishery: an Application of the Sea Surface Temperature Measures
Chin-Hwa Sun and Fu-Sung Chiang
Protein rRcovered from Oyster Wash Water by Ultrafiltration and Their Utilization as Oyster Sauce Through Fermentation
Chyuan-Yuan Shiau and Tuu-jyi Chai
Spanning Trees for Binary Directed DE Bruijn Networks and Their Applications to Load Balancing
Ming-Bo Lin, Ming-Hong Bai, and Gene Eu Jan
Non-Darcy Flow and Heat Transfer in a Porous Insulation with Infiltration
Hwa-Chong Tien and Kwang-Sheng Chiang