Volume 31, Issue 3 (2023)
Research Articles
Predefined-time Neural Sliding Mode Control based Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Han Xue and Shulin Li
Path Planning of UAV Navigation Mark Inspection Using a K-means Clustering ACA
Jiaqi Li, Weifeng Li, and Wenting Zhang
Collision Risk Prediction for Small Ships in South Korea via Optimization of Wireless Communication Period
So-Ra Kim, Myoung-Ki Lee, Sangwon Park, Dae-Won Kim, and Young-Soo Park
A methodology for statistical mean wave climate regime characterisation in oceanic islands: the case of the southern coast of Tenerife
Emilio Megías and Manuel García-Román
Methanol as an Eco-Environmental Alternative Fuel for Ships: A Case Study
Samar K. Sallam, Mohamed M. Elgohary, and Ibrahim S. Seddiek
Production of ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement: Energy and carbon reduction efficiency of cement-grinding system
Kuan-Hung Lin and Chung-Chia Yang
Rapid species identification of Meretrix lusoria and three other Meretrix clams using PCR and RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial COII gene.
Chia-Hsuan Sung, Liang-Jong Wang, and Chang-Wen Huang
Yu-Jen Pan and Hsin-Pei Shieh
Wearable Sensor-Based Walkability Assessment at Ferry Terminal using Machine Learning: A Case Study of Mokpo, Korea
Jungyeon Choi and Hwayoung Kim
Smart Sounding Table Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Osman Ünal and Nuri Akkaş
Coastal Traffic Safety Index Based on Marine Accident and Traffic Records
Joohwan Kim and Sang-Lok Yoo
Case Study of Coastal Erosion and Measures at Kezailiao Coast, Taiwan
Tai-Wen Hsu, Yi-Tse Tu, and Jen-Yi Chang