Volume 31, Issue 2 (2023)
Research Articles
Context-dependent Data-Envelopment-Analysis-Based Efficiency Evaluation of Coastal Ports in China Based on Social Network Analysis
Yu Yu, Dai-Peng Ma, and Guo-ya Gan
Research on Improving the Salary Structure of Port State Control Officers in Taiwan
Te-Yi Chang, Wen-Chih Ho, Chung-Ping Liu, and Yung-Wei Chen
Multi-chamber Silencer Composed of Screw-perforated Tubes and Straight-perforated Tubes
Tian-Syung Lan and Min-Chie Chiu
Numerical Analysis of Silencer with a Coiled Tube and Straight Perforated Tube Using FEM
Min-Chie Chiu and Ho-Chih Cheng
Abundance and Distribution of Fish Larvae in the Central Coast of the Algerian Sea
ETSOURI Mohamed, KHAMES Ghollame Ellah Yacine, and SERIDJI Rabea
Effects of Direct Water Injection on the Nitrogen Oxide Emission Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engines
Mahmoud Abdelnaser Saadeldin, M. M. Elgoharya, Maged Abdelnaby, and Mohamed R. Shouman
Projection of Sea Surface Temperature Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Application in Typhoon Number Forecast
Wen-Cheng Huang and Jung-Chen Lee
Three-dimensional higher-order compressive sensing for raypath separation in an acoustic waveguide
Fengyan Zhong
Algorithms for the Generalized Inverse Solution and Direct Solution: Using an Algebra Computer-Based System to Obtain Meridian Arc Length
Wei-Kuo Tseng, King-Cheng Tsai, Chian Liou, Jiunn-Liang Guo, and Yi-Jia Sun