Volume 11, Issue 3 (2003)
Research Articles
Experimental Study of the Rheological Behaviors of Fresh Concrete, Mortar, and Clay Grout
Cho-Liang Tsai, Yun Du, and Yi-Shiun Tsai
A Simplified Approach to Estimate the Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Ship Hull
Hsin-Chuan Kuo and Jiang-Ren Chang
An Analytical Model for Deflection of Laterally Loaded Piles
Jen-Cheng Liao and San-Shyan Lin
Model-Based Fuzzy Modeling and Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in the Horizontal Plane
Wen-Jer Chang, Wei Chang, and Hsien-Hsueh Liu
A Practical Experience About Dynamic Performance and Stability Improvement of Synchronous Generators
Chi-Jui Wu and Yung-Sung Chuang
Magneto-Hydrodynamic Squeeze Film Characteristics Between A Sphere and A Plane Surface
Tsu-Liang Chou, Jen-Wen Lai, and Jaw-Ren Lin