

This paper thoroughly examines the basic design wind speed according to wind loading of building codes in Taiwan. The first part of this study contains Chi-Square test and K-S (Kolmogorov Smirnov) test on four common wind speed probability distribution models. The data to be tested are sampled from the annual maximum 10-minute average wind speed recorded by 25 weather stations of Taiwan Central Weather Bureau during the period from 1951 to 1990. The Type I Extreme Value model is determined and recommended as the best wind speed probability distribution model for Taiwan area. This paper then explores the probability of exceedance of basic design wind speed within 50 years in Taiwan by exceedance probability theory and moment method. The results are compiled to develop the prelimmary design wind speed distribution maps of Taiwan area with 50-year return period to provide useful information for structure engineer in determining wind loading and modifying Taiwan's building codes in the future.