

Sayram Lake is a plateau cold-water lake located in northwestern China. Peled (Coregonus peled ) was introduced to Sayram Lake from Russia in 1998. The behavior characteristics of peled in Sayram Lake are important for fishery resource proliferation, effective fishing, and sustainable development. In this study, we used an ultrasonic biotelemetry system to track the fish around a large-scale set net in Sayram Lake. The purpose of this study is to study the behavior characteristics of the peled and to provide suggestions for the improvement of the set net. The results showed that the fish released in the playground of the set net rarely swam into the middle bag net. Six of the 11 experimental fish wandered around the playground of the set net after being released and finally escaped from the set net within 17 h. Finally, three of the released fish swam into the right-hand bag net of the set net. The fish that escaped from the set net tended to swim clockwise along Sayram Lake and tended to swim toward shallow water. The main activity depth of the fish was 0e15 m. The swimming speed of the fish in the lake ranges from 0.26 to 2.04 body length (BL) per second. This information is of great significance for the design and site selection of large-scale set nets.