

In this study, a 1/25 hydraulic model of a power-free vehicle was developed. Typhoon waves and Kuroshio current flow in a wave-current flume (200 x 2 x 2 m3 ) were applied to the model for determining the net flow velocity and mooring forces. Through hydraulic experiments with a wave period of 16 s, wave height of 10 m, and ocean current speed of 1.0 m/s, a net flow velocity of up to 3.81 m/s was measured. The maximum lift and drag forces acting on each rudder were calculated through computational fluid dynamics as -245.6 and 151.6 kN, respectively, when the rudders experienced the interaction of typhoon waves and ocean currents. Finite element analysis revealed that the maximum displacement (14.2 mm) occurred at both sides of the tail end of the front rudder and that the deformation ratio of the rudder was within the permitted deformation range. The mechanical behavior of the rudders remained elastic during operation of the vehicle. Numerical calculations and experimental results indicated that the designed rudders were suitable for use in the Kuroshio current region even in the presence of a typhoon with a 25-year return period.

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