

Navigational charts have been officially digitised for merchant shipping since 2010. Using an electronic chart is not as straightforward as using conventional paper charts. However, electronic charts provide a more efficient and sophisticated means of exchanging information for bridge system operators. Mariners should know how personnel aboard many vessels use navigational information. In this study, deck officers were invited to participate in a simulation experiment. A scenario of the entrance of a vessel into a busy fairway was simulated, and the participants were divided into two groups. The experimental group was allowed to use an electronic chart, and the control group had to use a conventional means of navigation. Significant differences were observed in the sweeping area and extent of the cross track error. The participants made fewer mistakes and had greater confidence in handling vessels when their precise position was electronically displayed. In addition, the participants were willing to receive information from an electronic chart system and, thus, felt comfortable when sailing in confined waterways.

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