

The ecological status of the lowland freshwater and brackish fish fauna traditionally got better protected since long time for military protect region without great human and agriculture impact in last few decades. However, many human reconstruction of river habitats, pollution and overuse of irrigation from river water have become great impact for fish survival in Kinmen. So far, there are totally 27 families, 57 genera and 68 species have been collected and recorded by our intensive survey for those freshwater habitats in inlandwater of Kinmen island, Fujian Province, Taiwan in our recent field survey during 2011-2012. Totally 17 newly recorded native species were found in recent our recent survey. The most speciose group would the gobies belonging to Family Gobiidae. The most dominant population in native freshwater fishes seems to be Pseudorasbora parva. Among them, there are 2 families at least 3 invasive species which seem to be dominant for their aquatic environment. The dominance of invasive fishes have become very great threat for local very endangered species, Metzia mesembrinum. It needs to immediately announce the serious impact for extinct local population of both native fish species: Puntius synderi and Cobitis sp. have been happened in recent year.