

During the past years, we collected and studied on the Anguilliformes fishes, and described some new genera and new species of eels. We noticed that there are some misidentified species or invalid junior synonym in Muraenesocidae specimens. Considering how limited this family is known in Taiwan, we would like to revise the species of pike congers here. We collected muraenesocid specimens around Taiwan from fish markets, fishery harbors, fishermen, and also examined the specimens from other Taiwanese museum collections. Comparing to the past literature of Muraenesocidae, we found that the species Congresox talabon was misreported previously, and there is not any specimen of C. talabon found in Taiwan to date. We also confirmed that Gavialiceps taiwanensis is a valid species, not a synonym of G. taeniola. In this study, we revised the current taxonomic status of Muraenesocidae species, providing the correct species identification for the museum deposited specimens. We also provided the diagnostic key, fresh specimen photographs, precise dentition drawings for the muraenesocids in Taiwan.