

In an attempt to portray all information released from the service quality studies the service quality radar map (SQRM), is designed in this paper firstly and a generalized service quality score GSQS follows. GSQS is defined by way of the weighted average of differences between relative frequencies of customers’ performance perception and performance expectation, thus can avoid the problems involved in the gap-based SERVQUAL scale and caused by skewed distributions. A special case of GSQS, the stochastic dominance service quality score (SDSQS) whose ideal come from the second stochastic dominance criterion is used to illustrate how a standardized score can be constructed to meet the required condition of SQRM. After that the two-stage service quality score (TSQS) is proposed. It is believed that SQRM with TSQS will make a contribution to exhibit the overall information of service quality delivered by a company---both academically and practically.