

On the basis of the Stokes micro-continuum theory, the combined effects of non-Newtonian couple stresses and convective fluid inertia forces upon the squeeze film characteristics of two wide parallel plates are investigated by using the averaged inertia principle. A numerical solution of the film height versus response time is calculated by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Compared to the Newtonian-lubricant non-inertia case of Hamrock [4], the qualitative effects of couple stresses and convective inertia forces provide an increase in the film pressure, the load capacity and the response time. Moreover, the quantitative effects are more pronounced for wide parallel plates operating at a smaller squeeze film height, as well as a larger couple stress parameter and film Reynolds number. The results of the present investigation provide useful information for engineers to design a parallel-plate squeeze-film system considering both the effects of convective inertia forces and non-Newtonian couple stresses.