Special Issue: Moving forward to Resilient and Sustainable Future with Marine-Related Science, Technology and Management

The Journal of Marine Science and Technology welcomes submissions to the Special Issue “Moving forward to Resilient and Sustainable Future with Marine-Related Science, Technology and Management”. All submissions must contain original unpublished work not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Submission Information

Please review a full list of Research Areas in 2024 Special Issue (Call for Papers).

Type of Articles: Review, Research Article

All submissions should be prepared according to the suggestions for authors and will be peer-reviewed. Please see details from Guide for Contributors at


We also would like to offer Publication Fee (PF) discounts for accepted submission of this special issue (the original PF for accepted manuscript is US$650) :

  1. Submissions receive during 3/1 ~ 5/31, 2024, PF will be US$400.
  2. Submissions receive during 6/1 ~ 8/31, 2024, PF will be US$500.

Final Manuscript Submission Due: Aug. 31, 2024.

Special Issue Articles accepted before September 30th will be published in Vol. 32. (Year 2024).

Important Notes for Potential Authors Who Intend to Contribute to JMST:

Manuscripts for the special issue should be submitted using the journal’s submission system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/jmarscitechtaiw/default1.aspx. In the system, please choose the submission type “Special Issue”.

Current Issue: Volume 32, Issue 2 (2024)

Research Articles


Analysis of the Potential for Enhancing the Efficiency of a Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) System
How-Ping Wu, Ching-Yi Tseng, Chuan-Chung Jen, Yuan-Ching Chiang, and Sih-Li Chen



Underwater Image Enhancement Algorithm for Dual Color Spaces
Xingsheng Shen, Yalin Song, Shichang Li, and Xiaoshu Hu
